Re: America Right Now

And Leading into the Future from Beyond Polarity

Note: This is a departure from what I usually write about - but it connects to how we would live if we all touched unity consciousness. Politically in the United States it’s been a nutso few weeks, and I don’t need to go into that here- you all know the details of that and if you don’t read Heather Cox Richardson’s substack. Or, read any foreign independent news source. So if this is not of interest to you, skip this one and stick around for the next posts from Mantra, Tantra and Ayahuasca. XO, Christine

There’s something in me that is responding to this current political climate like a rather discerning eight-year-old child observing her parents being idiots.

I find myself bearing head-shaking witness to the grift and the graft, the unnecessary cruelty and inflammatory gestures, the thoughtless dysregulation of the international community, the scapegoat theater, the slipshod dismantling of the practical apparatus of government. Not that restructuring of a bloated and inefficient and combative government is inherently bad—it’s the intention and the how that make all the difference. And of course, the selective persecution of political enemies is a big (vomit emoji). We needed, and still need, massive systemic change in the federal government. But not like this.

So what to do? Or rather—how to be in the face of this?

You know me well enough to know I won’t respond with outrage. I won’t trade my peace for another cycle of manufactured chaos, nor will I anesthetize my nervous system with drink, chocolate, or dissociative binge shopping. I also won’t refuse the poison altogether—because it’s here, because we are alive in this time.

My adult self, the one who has died and come back, the one who has touched the unity, knows how to transmute it, and work with it. I can take the weight of it and alchemize it into potent steady love that advances with a grounded assertion of true pro-life values (see below!). I can see with the heart, recognize the suffering that begets suffering, see across timelines- and see the situation from beyond the child’s blame, shame and polarity.

Some of this is practical: I wake up grateful for another day in a body. I train. I strengthen. I treat this life with reverence. I drop into my center, open my crown, and listen—trusting the frequency, the messages, the deep knowing. Some days, that knowing says: Be still. Do nothing. Other days, it whispers: Check on this person. Make a meal for that family. Send a check. And some days, it roars: Write. Go to work. Pass on what you’ve learned. Show the research. Speak the truth about yourself and the world. Let people know they are not alone. Make the new way visible. Build your communities.

We know that each soul finds its own way home, moment by moment, breath by breath—but the great ones have always pointed to the same waymarks: Love. Attunement. Presence. Your radiant love and care in the face of apparent erasure, dismissal, cruelty—seeing the world from and as the light—is the change. We stay rooted, awake, knowing that in the long run, love is stronger than control, freedom is deeper than fear. We build parallel structures of care locally. We cultivate presence. We cultivate joy.

For a long time—for me it started in 2008, but can be traced back longer - the slow collapse of the public structures we once relied upon has been apparent. The undue economic burdens and manipulation of those outside of the halls of power are real, the despair and loneliness and anger are real. The amazing technologies and global creativity are fascinating and wonderful, but we have lost our collective coherence. I feel for all of us.

I see the potential for this to be a lurching toward awakening to a new way, beacuse, alongside that collapse, something else has been emerging: an almost invisible mycelial network making a new way. The future is already here, woven inside a parallel underground culture of care, a living antidote to what is failing.

This network is being woven by those who have spent years preparing to hold the weight of this moment—the ones who have been healing themselves, training in emotional resilience, learning how to regulate their nervous systems, how to hold the pervasive trauma in the human field. The ones who are learning to embody a new frequency, one capable of dissolving suffering. The ones who are dreaming not just of what we resist, but of what we move toward. The ones creating the global underground of spirit beyond dogma, sharing economies and more.

Can you imagine a world where…

  • The air, water, and soil are clean.

  • Food is nutritious, plentiful, cruelty-free, affordable, and diverse.

  • Plants are our first medicine, and prescriptions are free.

  • People are free to do as they wish with their bodies and in their relationships.

  • Housing is abundant, beautiful, and accessible.

  • Emotional, energetic, physical, and creative education are equally valued.

  • Each person is invited to their full potential.

  • The masculine and feminine are in harmonious partnership, within each being and in the world.

  • There is enough for all to have meaningful work and to live in joy.

  • Make-wrong and blame are replaced with curiosity and a love of truth.

I can see it. and WOW what a good feeling. You probably have others to add.

Drop into that feeling. Imagine that in 5D hi resolution technicolor.

A dear friend and a kind of guide for me, keeps telling me that we cannot make changes from inside of polarization, and that the way to end polarization is to see everything as us and to forgive it. He says to love but “not just love passively or in repression of the sadness and hurt… Look powerfully and with determination into the mirror of the sadness, fear and hurt in this situation… and all the roles I have played on all sides of the table, including as the one giving these experiences to others in other lives. Heal it, forgive it HERE, where alone there is power to change things immediately. This is the radicality of owning the shadow of humanity as MINE, as a cosmic being. No split. No separation. No hoping. No waiting. Total empowerment. All available NOW - only for the most intrepid.”

So I’m asking you to see if, in these times, we can meet here.

Not aroused, not inflamed, not afraid. Grounded and clear. So that our actions come from the clearest love and move toward a pro-life world. Instead of REACTING, CREATING. Just change the C. Change the place we see from.


I welcome questions or dialogue here or on chat.

JOIN ME ON FEBRUARY 16 for GOOD COMMUNITY SATSANG, our monthly online gathering. We will talk about this and more. It’s free.


The Mantra and the Deity are One


The Ancient Metaphysics of Sound & Light