
  • “Christine Marie Mason, founder of Rosebud Woman, applauds NYC’s mayor for moving the culture from shame to neutrality when outlining New York City’s Women’s Health Initiative.” 

  • “At core, my mission in life is to heal separation, and bring more freedom and joy alive in the world.” 

  • “Christine is a unifier, bringing together bright, passionate, curious minds for creative collaboration and social good.” 

  • “[Christine] works to reduce suffering and create more joy, through human potential, non-violence, restorative justice, human rights and reverence for the feminine” 

  • “By bringing profound awareness to our most intimate moments, our pleasure deepens, and it can even lead to what we might call a spiritual experience of sex.”

  • By playing together, learning together, making new alliances and internalizing the new story, we become more coherent voices for a better future.